138 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Multivariate Functional Dynamic Linear Model

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    We present a Bayesian approach for modeling multivariate, dependent functional data. To account for the three dominant structural features in the data--functional, time dependent, and multivariate components--we extend hierarchical dynamic linear models for multivariate time series to the functional data setting. We also develop Bayesian spline theory in a more general constrained optimization framework. The proposed methods identify a time-invariant functional basis for the functional observations, which is smooth and interpretable, and can be made common across multivariate observations for additional information sharing. The Bayesian framework permits joint estimation of the model parameters, provides exact inference (up to MCMC error) on specific parameters, and allows generalized dependence structures. Sampling from the posterior distribution is accomplished with an efficient Gibbs sampling algorithm. We illustrate the proposed framework with two applications: (1) multi-economy yield curve data from the recent global recession, and (2) local field potential brain signals in rats, for which we develop a multivariate functional time series approach for multivariate time-frequency analysis. Supplementary materials, including R code and the multi-economy yield curve data, are available online

    Simultaneous transformation and rounding (STAR) models for integer-valued data

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    We propose a simple yet powerful framework for modeling integer-valued data, such as counts, scores, and rounded data. The data-generating process is defined by Simultaneously Transforming and Rounding (STAR) a continuous-valued process, which produces a flexible family of integer-valued distributions capable of modeling zero-inflation, bounded or censored data, and over- or underdispersion. The transformation is modeled as unknown for greater distributional flexibility, while the rounding operation ensures a coherent integer-valued data-generating process. An efficient MCMC algorithm is developed for posterior inference and provides a mechanism for adaptation of successful Bayesian models and algorithms for continuous data to the integer-valued data setting. Using the STAR framework, we design a new Bayesian Additive Regression Tree (BART) model for integer-valued data, which demonstrates impressive predictive distribution accuracy for both synthetic data and a large healthcare utilization dataset. For interpretable regression-based inference, we develop a STAR additive model, which offers greater flexibility and scalability than existing integer-valued models. The STAR additive model is applied to study the recent decline in Amazon river dolphins

    Monte Carlo inference for semiparametric Bayesian regression

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    Data transformations are essential for broad applicability of parametric regression models. However, for Bayesian analysis, joint inference of the transformation and model parameters typically involves restrictive parametric transformations or nonparametric representations that are computationally inefficient and cumbersome for implementation and theoretical analysis, which limits their usability in practice. This paper introduces a simple, general, and efficient strategy for joint posterior inference of an unknown transformation and all regression model parameters. The proposed approach directly targets the posterior distribution of the transformation by linking it with the marginal distributions of the independent and dependent variables, and then deploys a Bayesian nonparametric model via the Bayesian bootstrap. Crucially, this approach delivers (1) joint posterior consistency under general conditions, including multiple model misspecifications, and (2) efficient Monte Carlo (not Markov chain Monte Carlo) inference for the transformation and all parameters for important special cases. These tools apply across a variety of data domains, including real-valued, integer-valued, compactly-supported, and positive data. Simulation studies and an empirical application demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of this strategy for semiparametric Bayesian analysis with linear models, quantile regression, and Gaussian processes
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